Directions to Florence
Directions to Rotek, Florence, Kentucky
Business partners needing to travel to Rotek Incorporated at 8060 or 8085 production Drive, Florence, Kentucky, 41042, may use the following directions from local points, or an internet map service such as Bing, Mapquest or Google.
Directions from Cincinnati, Ohio (16.7 miles, 20 minutes):
Take I-75 south towards Lexington / Louisville 12.1 miles. At exit 180, take ramp to the right towards US 42 / US 127. Turn left onto US 42 north for 0.5 miles. Turn right onto state route 1829 / Industrial Road for 2.4 miles. Turn right onto Production drive and travel to 8060 (Florence plant 20, on the right) or 8085 (Florence plant 40, on the left).
Directions from Lexington, Kentucky (70.8 miles, 1 hour, 8 minutes):
Take I-75 north towards Georgetown / Cincinnati 60.4 miles. At exit 178, take ramp to the right towards and follow signs for Mt. Zion Road / KY 536. Turn right onto Mt. Zion Road / KY 536 and travel 0.7 miles. Turn left onto US 25 / Dixie Highway, travel 1.6 miles. Turn right onto state route 1829 / Industrial Road for 1.0 miles. Turn right onto Production drive and travel to 8060 (Florence plant 20, on the right) or 8085 (Florence plant 40, on the left).
Directions from Louisville, Kentucky (88.7 miles, 1 hour, 20 minutes):
Take I-71 north towards Cincinnati 71.8 miles. Take I-71 / I-75 north towards Cincinnati. At exit 178, take ramp to the right towards and follow signs for Mt. Zion Road / KY 536. Turn right onto Mt. Zion Road / KY 536 and travel 0.7 miles. Turn left onto US 25 / Dixie Highway, travel 1.6 miles. Turn right onto state route 1829 / Industrial Road for 1.0 miles. Turn right onto Production drive and travel to 8060 (Florence plant 20, on the right) or 8085 (Florence plant 40, on the left).