Directions to Aurora
Directions to Rotek, Aurora, Ohio
Business partners needing to travel to Rotek Incorporated at 1400 South Chillicothe Road in Aurora, Ohio may use the following directions from local points, or an internet map service such as Bing, Mapquest or Google.
Directions from Cleveland (32.3 miles, 37 minutes):
Take I-77 southbound towards Akron. At exit 156, take ramp to the right to-wards I-480 east and Youngstown. At exit 21, take I-480 east towards Youngstown. Take exit 41, Aurora-Hudson Road / Frost Road. Turn left and travel 1.8 miles to state route 43. Turn left and travel 1.3 miles. Enter at the south drive where the guard house is located.
Directions from Cleveland Hopkins Airport (35.7 miles, 39 minutes):
Take I-71 south towards Columbus. At exit 233, take ramp to the right towards I-80 Ohio Turnpike eastbound. At exit 187, take the ramp towards the right on I-480 west. Take I-480 west to exit 41 Frost Road (approximately ½ mile). Turn right and travel 1.8 miles to state route 43. Turn left and travel 1.3 miles. Enter at the south drive where the guard house is located.
Directions from Youngstown (46.9 miles, 47 minutes):
Take I-680 north / west 6.4 miles. Take I-80 west towards Cleveland. At exit 187, take the ramp towards the right on I-480 west. Take I-480 west to exit 41 Frost Road (approximately ½ mile). Turn right and travel 1.8 miles to state route 43. Turn left and travel 1.3 miles. Enter at the south drive where the guard house is located.
Directions from Akron / Canton (24.6 miles, 29 minutes):
Take state route 8 north 12.7 miles. Take ramp to the right towards Youngstown on I-80 east. At exit 187, take the ramp towards the right on I-480 west. Take I-480 west to exit 41 Frost Road (approximately ½ mile). Turn right and travel 1.8 miles to state route 43. Turn left and travel 1.3 miles. Enter at the south drive where the guard house is located.